2024 Championship Indy Workouts
2024 Championship Team Workouts
2024 Championship Indy Workouts
8 Min Cap
Front squats
Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Time Cap: 6 Minutes
Front Squat Weight:
Pro: 225/155
RX: 185/125
Intermediate/ Masters: 135/95
Acid Bath
At the 8 minute mark following Workout 3:
Acid Bath (All Divisions)
For Time:
500m Ski Erg
500m Row Erg
1000m Bike Erg
Time Cap: 8 Minutes
100 Double Under’s
40 Alt DB Snatch
40 Toes to Bar
40 Thrusters
10 Rope Climbs
Time Cap: 15 Minutes
Pro: 70/50lb DB, 115/75lb BB, 15ft Rope
RX: 50/35lb DB, 95/65lb BB, 15ft Rope
Masters: 35/25lb DB, 75/55lb BB, 15ft Rope
Intermediate: 35/25lb DB, 75/55lb BB, 12ft Rope
2024 Championship Team Workouts
1 REP MAX CLEAN (Total accumulated weight of all athletes lifts)
M/M & F/F will have own platform for 8 minutes each.
Synchro Front Squats
Synchro Lateral Burpees Over Bar
Time Cap: 6 Minutes
*M/M & F/F Partners (Two Lanes) First two teammates will go through entire workout, then last two will complete as soon as first teammate’s finish the sequence. Score is total time it takes all athletes to finish.
Front Squat Weight:
Pro Team: 225/155
RX Team: 185/125
Intermediate/ Masters Team: 135/95
Acid Bath
At the 8 minute mark following Workout 3:
Waterfall Acid Bath (All Divisions)
For Time:
500m Ski Erg
500m Row Erg
1000m Bike Erg
Time Cap: 14 Minutes
200 Cal Echo Bike (split however, separate score)
-Then- M/F pairs work to complete
80 Alt DB Snatch
80 Toes to Bar
80 Thrusters
20 Rope Climbs (waterfall)
Time Cap: 20 Minutes
* Both M/F pairs will complete a total of 80 reps of DB snatch, T2B & Thrusters split any way they like. Both M/F pairs must finish their chipper before advancing to the rope climbs. Rope climbs must be completed in the same waterfall order each time.
Pro: 70/50lb DB, 115/75lb BB, 15ft Rope
RX: 50/35lb DB, 95/65lb BB, 15ft Rope
Intermediate: 35/25lb DB, 75/55lb BB, 12ft Rope